Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Day Another Mile

It's chilly out there today! I had a cold walk! Here's the halfway mark on the trail. Notice that the leaves have changed in just a couple of days! It's supposed to be 31 tonight and a high of 50 tomorrow and a good time to make soup and chili!


Chris said...

that's a snazzy photograph!

ell said...

I love getting bundled up for a brisk walk in the cold. You can have the soup and chili as a reward!

Anonymous said...

Great snap! The weather sounds like England at this time. As I scribe, it is 27 (05:45 a.m.), with an expected high of 50 later. How can you get 'high' on 50???

Anonymous said...

Unexpectedly warm day here with lots of sunshine yesterday.
Do you find you are also sleeping better?
As for ducks, haven't seen the migration of birds in the skies yet up here. maybe because Pisces tend to look at the ground when they're walking, lol.

Angel said...

YAYAYA for your walking!!!! I wish we could walk together...

Joy said...

I wish we could walk together, too, Beth!

Ell, I made the chili and am going to make a casserole today with chicken and artichokes in it after while.

It's warmer today, so I'll be more comfortable. Good point, Oxy. I guess it's relative, isn't it?

Thanks, Chris.

Sleeping better once I get to sleep, Charlie. Your ducks are still there?