Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here I Go Again

I just noticed that I have new followers! Thank you! :-)

Then I noticed if I had two more, there would be an even 50. I suppose everyone has become a follower who wants to, but if two of you haven't, now is your time to move the numbers up to the next tens place. It's OK if you don't, but I might have a few control issues and need it. Those with real OCD, call it CDO because that's in alphabetical order. I don't have it but wanted to work in that joke my son Brian told me.

This is my disorder: (What? Don't we all have one? What is yours?)


Joy said...

Yeah, but your blog is by invitation only. I was just reading the computer debate on yours and about to make a comment when I noticed you'd made one on here. (ADD, you know)

Ms. Moon said...

My disorders?
They don't even all have formal names yet, alphabetical or not.