Apparently, it's fine with the many of the pro-lifers to kill people when they become adults, send them to war, carry out the death penalty, and torture, but not to perform abortions no matter what the reason. They need a different name if that's how they believe and should call themselves an anti-abortion group because that's not being pro-life.
I don't like abortion, either, and have never had one. I was around before Roe v Wade and know that desperate girls got them illegally and died or became sterile. I'm pro-choice, not for abortions to be used as birth control, but for them to be performed safely because they are going to be done regardless.
What I want to happen is PREVENTION! I brought up my son with that philosophy and it worked. Teen-age pregnancy is epidemic. They need to be given options that work for them. Not "Abstinence Only" and no birth control eduction if they are going to be sexually active way too young. You can't believe how much they don't know about sex even with all the information around. They don't even realize they can get STD's from oral sex, which btw they don't even consider the intimate act that it is. Some of these girls get pregnant intentionally and have no clue what it takes to bring up a child.
I retired from teaching high school and knew too many students who became pregnant. It's a complicated situation but needs to be addressed. There are no good choices once there's a pregnancy. None! What we need is prevention.
2 minutes ago
I had this one line of talk I used to give. The once you are pregnant these are your choices. The girls, who had no problem fooling around with the boys, would get pale and horrified when I explained a pelvic exam to them. You will have one and you will give birth, have an abortion or miscarry - welcome to the world of grown-ups. I believe in total honesty, total information and candor. The world is too wide open (tv, movies, mtv, music, High School Musical, Brat dolls) to pre-teens and teenagers now - and we made it that way so we have to try and repair the damage we did.
Excellent comment and worth having on here twice, but I deleted the other one, FP. I'm glad you boldly explained it all to them. They definitely need it. You are so right!
Especially true and shocking is that these youngsters DON'T KNOW THE FACTS OF LIFE. Even when there is school education, the courses often avoid the specifics or don't have time to cover( as we did) 45 issues in 45 days in health classes which have been dropped btw. Seems quite a few of our "oral sex only" girls got pregnant- go figure. In every case we continually admonished kids to get out of his/her lap in every single class every single day. We stopped rearranging book cases for small group work where they could hide out and make out. Teachers with best results stuck to rows of kids and sacrificed good teaching practices to accommodate those few. Yet the parents still yell, vouchers and access to charter schools, cut budgets, cut teachers and staff.The harried few left to do all this policing are exhausted, belittled, and demoralized.
Good thoughts to ponder Joy.
As bad as it plays into KY stereotypes, here is a story that might interest you, as it seems somewhat related to your topic. Note the phrase "14 year old mother"...
"'s fine with the many of the pro-lifers to kill people..."
From listening to NPR pretty much all day long yesterday, I concluded that nearly all pro-lifers are horrified by such killings, and see them as extremely detrimental to their cause. Please. what is your source for your allegation?
That breaks my heart, Debi. Both epidemics, teenage pregnancy and meth/drugs, are a deathly combination. It goes back generations. We have to do something about this.
Snow, I'm not saying that everyone who is pro-life kills people or approves of it. I am saying that these anti-abortion activists who have killed at least 7 healthcare workers refer to themselves as pro-life. It's not much of a stretch to find accurate statistics on those in favor of pro-life being in favor of capital punishment, war, and other methods of killing people. That's the same kind of hypocrisy as those vegetarians who claim it's because they don't believe in killing animals but wear leather.
My point was that if they are anti-abortion, say that, not pro-life unless it's inclusive.
Well said Joy. The stretch is not so hard to reach given the facts.Tonihgt in the White House visit, Obama commented himself that killing the minister in his church, a sacred place, was unaccceptable for any cause for any reason.
Also agree with FP in that my experience with the students who felt they knew better, would report the teacher instantly for inappropriate topics in class and their parents would jump on that bandwagon fast- only to see that same teenager pregnant within the year. How many times have I heard a teen say "You can't say that in school. I'm reporting you."
Very good points! Preach on, Sister!!
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