My cousin Sally and I had lunch, and then she went with me to the reflexologist to see if there were any openings. I gave her my 1:30 appointment and took one at 3:30. I stayed there with her during hers and then ran a few errands. After mine, I went to Mother's for dinner with her and Sally. My sister-in-law and her husband were there, too. Yes, that's how my brother and I are with each other. At least I think it's funny.
I stayed and watched American Idol with them even though I don't keep up with it myself. I'm sociable and friendly that way.
So good-bye to the next dwarf stars to go.

Holly Madison is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful and sexy women in the world today. With a classy and iconic look, a worldwide fan base and a head for business, Holly has transformed into a mainstream celebrity, emerging as a worldwide “it” girl.
That is what Holly's official website says about her. Although tempted, there's nothing I'll add to that. I think the photo of her grocery shopping speaks for itself. Feel free to make all the comments you want to, though.

Oh, and Sherry Shepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck on The View pronounced Gilles's name like Giles over and over again. I yelled at the TV to correct them. He's French and pronounces it like Zheel.