Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The iPad isn't cat-compatible. It says so in this article and has more videos.


the dogs' mother said...

I may have to get an IPAD.
And a cat.

Joy said...

I don't think I'd let my cat put her paws on it, but this cat doesn't seem to damage it on here.

Kyle Leach said...

That was fun Joy!

I found a vid similar to this and posted it at my place. We are thinking of getting Stan's Mom an iPad; we hope it would be easy for her to use. She is very tech phobic. She has web TV, but after seeing how awful the service and format are, we would like her to have something better, but she won't consider a desktop PC at all. Maybe we will let our cat George play with it before she gets it. If George likes it, it must be good. If not we could keep it.:)

lelocolon said...

I love apple I learned computers with apple so when it comes to the Ipad I am not impressed. If the best that you can do with an ipad is to play retro cyber games then consider a new TV it will be a better investment.