Giant crab spiders have such a ferocious appearance that they earned a spot as extras in the horror film Arachnophobia. These creatures, however, eat only cockroaches, crickets, and caterpillars, more than compensating for their scary appearance. Giant crab spiders are about 2 inches long, are hairy, and have noticeable black fangs and black feet. Their egg sac is the size of a golf ball.
I intentionally did not include a photo.
Repost: Black History Month: Freedom Summer
3 hours ago
Thank you for not including a photo!!
Their egg sac is the size of a golf ball. - Ew.
I not only read, I went to find out more information - I am never going to Arizona again!
Just yesterday I had my spider zapping electrical chamber of death out and bravely got one off the ceiling. I made Eldest take it outside, open it up and make sure the poor spider was fried.
I will catch jumping spiders, for some odd reason, and let them go - but the super sonic skuttlers are too scary to catch. They can be half way up your arm in a nano-second.
Okay, I need to go lay down now.
Ok ... now I'm going to have to Google this so I can see a picture...
SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!! Those suckers are scary looking!!!!
I love the fact that my family is not the only carriers of the dooposite gene. 'Don't Read This!' suddenly becomes I read it, and went on the web to look it up. The pictures are scary! LOL
Told you. I knew y'all would go look this up but warned you, didn't I?
Don't let Mrs Miss Alaineus see this either!!!
Joy, thank you for not putting up a photo! :)
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