Thursday, November 13, 2008


Our David Dust was among the protestors in NYC against the ban on gay marriage. Here's his post about it including photos of the event. Whoopi was there being totally supportive and talked about it on The View this morning. It's here on YouTube at the end of part 1 and the beginning of part 2. I couldn't find the part that only dealt with the protest.


Anonymous said...

I so meant to watch the View today based on your comments and the pictures on David's blog and I forgot. Was she very supportive?

David Dust said...

I am going to have to get on "The YouTubes" and find Whoopi's comments.

This damn job REALLY interferes with daytime television...


the dogs' mother said...

Heard on the news that there is talk of another initiative in 2010 if this isn't thrown out by the courts. I'd like to see the courts do the work. Sometimes the peoples don't get it right...

Chris said...

I'm going to read his post right now - cheers David!