Did any of you see the Reverend Dr. Welton Gaddy, Baptist minister from Louisiana, on Keith Olbermann's show tonight? He was great and said what I've wished someone with his credentials would say about Christianity and quoting the
Bible. He said people can find anything they want in it but need to look at the entire sweep of the Bible's message and to treat God as God, to treat government as government, and to treat other people with dignity and respect. He also said if you want to be religious, don't just quote scripture but behave the way the scripture directs. I liked everything he said and especially the part about what it means to take the Lord's name in vain. He said that means not to associate God's words with behavior that is in some way the opposite of God and blasphemy to God.
Keith asked him about war and what the
Bible says about it. Dr. Gaddy said that the biblical passages on Rumsfeld's memos about the war were a prostitution of religion. They are a studied effort to identify the US as the righteous nation and the military strategy of invasion as an act of God. What that does is to say, "If you question me, you're questioning God. If you oppose this war, you are evil because I am good." He added that most people who support a theocracy, want to be "theo." Many religious leaders have been saying this, and I'm glad he said it on there.
Here it is. It's worth watching.
This is a true Christian.
I saw this. Finally, someone intelligent. Someone who isn't an embarrassment to religion.
Of course, all the wingnuts will demonize him as kowtowing to the liberal media.
If everyone employed a little common sense, or took a moment to think before they speak, act or judge, this would be a non-issue.
Yes, yes, and yes! So true!!
Those quotes on the security reports were so alarming. Before Eldest right lung became a liability he was interested in the military (an uncle in the air force). In that sense his lung problems were a silver lining. I don't trust gov't and after watching how the Iraq war turned out...
This is great to see
Refreshing and aboauat time. we need more of this type of thinking exposed instead of the abuser fanatics. I liked on the site you gave(Fish) one cartooon "Jesus called. He wants his religion back"
I vaguely remember something about thou shalt not kill. Does this not apply during wars?
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