Thursday, February 26, 2009

Geeks in the Family

I love having a daughter-in-law who says, "Hey! Your avatar had a haircut!"

She also wrote a lullaby using the Fibonacci Sequence. I told her thanks a lot because now I'll have to sing that with Brendan and can only go to 21 without having to think too much. I printed it out, so I'll be prepared because he'll learn it by the time he spends the night again. Check it out if you want down there on the right in Perky Skeptic. We did some problem-solving activities using Fibonacci numbers when I taught in the gifted program that were fun. No, really!

The above cartoon (Amend 2005) shows an unconventional sports application of the Fibonacci numbers (left two panels). (The right panel instead applies the Perrin sequence).

I have no clue what the Perrin sequence is.

In the Fibonacci number sequence, the first number of the sequence is 0, the second number is 1, and each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers of the sequence itself, yielding the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc. This way: 0 + 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 2, 1 + 2 = 3, etc.

This sequence is found in nature (pine cones, sunflowers, bees) and relates to the Golden Ratio and Pascal's Triangle. Don't even ask! I sort of knew this at one time, but just remembering the sequence is all I can do now.


David Dust said...

Darling Auntie Flame -

I don't have any idea what a Focaccia/Fettucine/Fibonacci/Fiber One number is. I tried clicking on your link, but there were bunnies and things and I got distracted.

Seriously, when I read this post - it was like you were writing in another language. I think maybe my brain shuts down when I hear the word "numbers".

Teacher, could you teach us non-gifted kids what you're talking about??? :) And by "non-gifted kids", I mean "my stupid ass". :)


the dogs' mother said...

Singing anything is a great learning tool. My grad class happily made idiots of ourselves reducing the parts of the brain to a television jingle. We had a contest for the best one. We sang them all, at the top of our lungs, and entertained the whole corridor of classrooms.

June Saville said...

I vaguely know something of using Fibonacci numbers in design, and apparently it works well. One of those matters that intrigue but I've done nothing to research further.

June in Oz

David Dust said...

Thanks Teacher!

Now can I go to the Nurse's office? - I have a headache from all these numbers! :)


Unknown said...

so theoretically given any two sequential numbers int he theory you can figure out the next or the previous. Or in between numbers in a series. etc.?
an application besides hut hut hut might help. I've no idea how to use it...such as June said.

Joy said...

Yes, David, by all means go right to the nurse's office! I know how you feel! I like math is small doses and can just go so far in it, unlike my daughter-in-law who totally gets it. Me, not so much!

I never caught on that math is all about patterns until much later on when I went to a session at a conference for teaching gifted students. That's why I have trouble with the part of those tests where they give you several numbers or shapes and you had to tell what comes next. My brain feels scrambled after trying to figure that out.

This post makes me sound smarter than I am. I bought a whole workbook with activities about the Fibonacci sequence at one of the conferences, which is the only reason I know anything about it. They were actually fun to do at the time.