As always, you wonder where this patriotism and righteousness and Tea Party activism was during Bush-Cheney. You wonder if all the people who want to take to the streets - and to the television cameras now - decided they weren't needed for eight years because they thought the country was going so good. Or maybe they have just convinced themselves that the Obama who must now be stopped didn't just inherit this America, he created it.
This is no longer about political dissent. It is about storm trooper sound bites, and hate. This isn't the kind of honest debate on which our system of government has been built. It is vile, back-alley fighting, getting worse by the day, with no end in sight. People say that opposition to all Presidents, even the most unpopular white ones, sounds like this. No, it doesn't.
Repost: Black History Month: Freedom Summer
2 hours ago
It's terrifying these days!
It is very disheartening.
I've chosen to handle this situation by demonstrating a great leap of faith in the MAJORITY of my fellow Americans - I trust they are not stupid. Calm and quiet, but not stupid. Together, we will enjoy the train wreck as the GOP comes apart at the seams from within. Because really, if they aren't made of better stuff than what they're showing, they deserve what they're going to get.
Patience, grasshopper. Patience.
I don't know. I think people forget. Thinking back to race riots, anti-war riots, civil rights activity in the South, the Red Scare, the Democratic Convention in Chicago, the soldiers march on Washington after WWI. We can get pretty stirred up over things. It is different from the last 30+ years but not different from the last 200-ish.
such a mess
President Obama made what I thought was a pretty profound observation during a "60 Minutes" interview:
"I will also say that in the era of 24-hour cable news cycles that the loudest, shrillest voices get the most attention. And so, one of the things I'm trying to figure out is, how can we make sure that civility is interesting.."
(I find great comfort in the fact that only about 3 million people out of 300 million watch or listen to Fox, Hannity, Rush, Palin, etc. Faith in humankind leads me to believe that the quiet, civil majority will speak loud and clear in the voting booth). Ain't gonna let a few bad apples, etc. etc.
Listening to news here in Texas it appears they don't dare mention "Christian" in front of Militia. Why do they always down play the rights agenda?
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