Sunday, January 30, 2011
A Little Good
I'm still behind in blog reading and writing and emails. I'll do the best I can but also have all this reading for classes. This novel I'm reading for one has 600+ pages with little print! Books of essays for the other one with an assignment looming ahead I'm working on.
Watched some LOGO while lying around this afternoon and saw Drag Race and early episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Then I got into a profile on Jack Wrangler and wasn't familiar with until I saw this. Interesting about him and Margaret Whiting, whom I do remember.
(I wrote this last night - Saturday - but apparently didn't post it.)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Just Sayin'
Knew it would be upsetting to see Orange Boner sitting there beside VP Biden during the State of the Union Address. It was worse than I'd thought.
I missed it. What are those black and white ribbons they have on?
Hillary's hair looked so good during the campaign. Not so much now. Also she looks more tired. Did she get help with her face during the campaign, too? I like her and think she's doing a good job but just felt compelled to mention the obvious.
Michelle Obama is beautiful and smart and lovely and a great mother. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't go back to a career when they are out of office at some time.
Obama almost made the Weeper of the House cry, but he managed to get himself under control.
I do wish something that actually works would happen for education and no more of this extreme emphasis on testing. We're way behind and getting worse!
We need infrastructure, fast trains, energy advances, and more. Help!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Right, Froggy?
Feeling Better
Maddie texted me and is also sick with this same thing. He called in to miss work today and said he's almost never sick.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Whine Time
So I've been in bed most of the day and am heading back there. I have a fever so don't want anything to eat. I hope this fitness water has electrolytes in it since I've had a little of that. OK, see you later.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I went to the yarn shop to catch up with everyone. Then I went to this new market to check it out. It's owned by Mennonites and has all kinds of selections. This is a really dull part of this post! Good grief! I'll try to come up with something more entertaining next time or quit while I'm informative.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Visit Revised
The streets are fine, which is great since I was planning to make chili and have no beans. I have two of the three kinds I put in it (black and cannellini beans but not kidney or red beans). So I'll go out tomorrow and get some.
Brian and I had a good visit despite the circumstances.
Snow Again
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
School Night
Monday, January 17, 2011
Some Words from Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Snow Daze
One of my former students got in touch with me today. I've heard from him over the years by being asked to write recommendations for him for all kinds of things. He lives in Portland, OR, now and will probably show up in the comments here and on David's blog. Chris came out when he was in the 7th or 8th grade, I think, and had a nonchalant attitude about it. He was open about it and just went on with his life. At least that's how it seemed to me.
He was in the gifted program and lived up the street from me, so I've known him for a long time. He's extremely intelligent, has always read voraciously (would read the lit book in about two weeks after I gave them out), writes really well, and is easily bored. That translated to pushing my buttons in class now and then until we both got over it and moved on to other things.
I told him about David's blog, so he's going to start reading it. He looks sort of like Robert Downey, Jr. and is 28. I just love him and always have. Hope he comments and takes part in our fun since he watches many of the same shows David recaps.
One of the things he said he'd like to do is be a personal organizer. He has a degree in psychology, but I could see him doing that anyway. We were talking about my house and how I never used to be like this. I'm still laughing as I can hear him tell me, "Well, you know I think laziness can be addicting." LOL For sure!
Jon Stewart
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Arizona Shootings Reaction | |||| | ||||
Sunday, January 9, 2011
If you were reading my blog then, you might remember when I was scared and worried that something like this could happen. There was a heated discussion to put it mildly with that Teabagger Stalker Troll who thank goodness has left me alone since then. I hope she never comments again - so far so good. Here's the post from then in case you don't remember.
It's heartbreaking and scary when someone shoots anyone but especially all of those adults of various ages and a nine-year-old girl. Yes, we were afraid something like this would happen, and it did.
Good article Nutwood Beth linked on FB by PZ Myers HERE. Excerpt and quotes below:
What we have here is an attempted assassination of a politician by an insane crank at a political event, in a state where the political discourse has been an unrelenting howl of eliminationist rhetoric and characterization of anyone to the left of Genghis Khan as a traitor and enemy of the state…and now, when six (including a nine year old girl) lie dead and another fourteen are wounded, now suddenly we're concerned that it is rude and politicizing a tragedy to point out that the right wing has produced a toxic atmosphere that pollutes our politics with hatred and the rhetoric of violence?
Screw that. Now is the time to politicize the hell out of this situation. The people who are complaining are a mix of lefty marshmallows whose first reaction to the fulfillment of right-wing fantasies by a lunatic is to drop to their knees and beg forgiveness for thinking ill of people who paint bullseyes on their political opponents, and right wing cowards who are racing to their usual tactic of attacking their critics to shame them into silence. This is NOT the time to back down and suddenly find it embarrassing to point out that right-wing pundits make a living as professional goads to insanity.
If a Detroit Muslim put a map on the web with crosshairs on 20 pols, then 1 of them got shot, where would he be sitting right now? Just asking. - Michael Moore
A physician cannot treat an illness s/he willfully refuses to diagnose. Violent political rhetoric is not fault of "both sides." - Tom Tomorrow
Inspiring that our media pundits are so quick to reach for "everyone's to blame" when no conservative events have been terrorized by gunmen. - Jeffrey Feldman
Weird: rightwingers say movies, video games affect behavior -- but real world violent rhetoric from leaders & radio talkers have NO impact! - Tom Tomorrow
Jared Lougnner: drug arrests, too crazy for Army or for college or anything else, but getting a legal gun? No problem. - Tom Tomorrow
I find it abhorrent that Sarah Palin would stoke the coals of extremism with dangerous messaging, then delete it when something bad happens. - Jason Pollock
Sure, Sarah Palin didn't pull the trigger. But then, neither did Charles Manson. - auntbeast
Christina Taylor Green was Born on September 11, 2001, and killed today by terrorist fuckheads in Arizona. Irony much? - geeksofdoom
Sarah Palin rummages online frantically erasing her rabble-rousing Tweets like a Stalinist trimming non-persons out of photos. - Roger Ebert
I'll say this, if your first instinct after hearing about a tragedy is to scrub yr websites, you have a problem as a political movement. - digby56
CNN's Dana Bash says "this could be a wake-up call." THIS ... ? The whole Tea Party, carrying guns to rallies WASN'T?? - hololio2
Teaparty asses have been asking for this to happen, and how they're pissed off that we're calling them out on it. - TLW3
STOP SAYING"BOTH PARTIES"!! The Left has not been advocating Violence. @CNN assholes. - YatPunditDo not sit there cowering, trying to make excuses for teabaggers and violent morons. This is supposed to be the part where you stand up, look at the shouters on the other side, and tell them, "This is wrong, and this is the harm you bring to our country." Instead, I see a rush to postures of submission.
Friday, January 7, 2011
On a Three Hour Cruise
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Retirement Regression
Homage to Dust Bunnies ...

Perhaps this is my problem! (Oh yeah right! Can I be Bernice and Einstein at the same time?)

Anyone remember Moonbeam McSwine? I won't be in touch as often until I clean up my act and house!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I'm Doomed!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Odd Blogness
In a possibly unrelated incident, I got all kinds of texts on my cell phone from Craigslist which I've never even been on. Ever. Verizon sent a message that they were closing the comments down because too many had been generated by ME in a short time. A gremlin virus? What's going on?
I downloaded Frostwire in order to download music. I already have iTunes. My granddaughters told me about it and said it was free and legal. While I was there doing that, I accidentally also downloaded iMesh which infiltrated my search engines. I uninstalled it and finally got rid of it.
All this is on the little netbook since my laptop is dead again and still dead. When I was reading about its problem online, others said that this same thing happened to them. This is a lemon batch of these HP Pavilions. They also got new hard drives and then after a short time, they, too, died. They said it's some problem that makes the computer run hot and mess up the hard drive, so installing a new hard drive isn't going to solve the problem. I'll explain that to the tech center which is in America and not India. Points to Staples on that. I had to send it to MA last time and guess I will have to again. I'm really getting tired of this.
The next time we have a no-tax weekend, I'm getting a Mac. Then I'm going to that one-on-one tutorial at the Apple Store in Green Hills in Nashville to make the transition. Sam and I were talking about this on the phone last night, and I told him we've been having a no-tax weekend in the fall and once or twice in the spring for several years for parents to buy things for kids for school. Computers under a certain price qualify, and the Apple Store had a good deal on Macbooks last time. Our sales tax is almost 10%, so that makes a big difference. Sam said he buys his electronics in Oregon and Montana because they have no sales tax. Must be nice. Ours is one of the highest in the country. Phil Bredesen, our governor for the last two terms has a degree in physics from Harvard and has managed the money pretty well, but I'm not sure what the legislature has done with it. Our new governor Bill Haslam owns all those Pilot gas stations and truck stops, so who knows how that will be. He and the majority of the legislature are Republicans now while the ones we've had for a while have been Democrats.
That's life here in low-tech land!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Gay-owned OutLoud moved into a former massage parlor in the 1800 block of Church Street in the mid-1990s — when no other landlord would rent space to a gay-themed bookstore — and it helped revitalize a dingy stretch of questionable properties near downtown.
Now, the 1500 to 1800 blocks of Church are bustling with a handful of lively nightspots and restaurants — serving as an entertainment hub for Nashville's gay community and others drawn to places as diverse as the new bar Canvas and the eclectic Suzy Wong's House of Yum restaurant....
Jensen and current business partner (OutLoud President Kevin Medley) moved a block away from the original location several years ago, built out a much larger space and added a fancy coffee house.The coffee house proved to be a bust and a place that devoured cash. Several hundred thousand dollars in reserves that might have helped in lean times evaporated as Jensen added to his payroll with as many as 26 employees.
"We wanted to make it as beautiful as possible, but I expanded too fast," Jensen said with a shrug.
The plan now is to sell, if possible, or lock the doors, if need be, at the end of January.
No matter how it turns out, Jensen figures he made some sort of mark.
"I learned by doing and making mistakes," he said. "But this business was my passion. I ran it from my heart, not a spreadsheet."
No Schlock Spock
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Want to Live in Vermont?
I could probably afford to stay there a while since they also include $500K and can have all my family there for visits. However, I'll need people to live there - to cook, clean, and be fun! Who's in?