Halloween theme with costumes and some fun.
David and Kym danced a tango as a magician and assistant. David brought in an illusionist to teach him a trick to use at the beginning. They said they couldn't find the prop before they went on and were disappointed. Good job! David has improved and was praised by the judges. Score - 24.
Karina and J.R. did a tango to the song from Ghostbusters. The tempestuous Karina stormed around at J.R. during rehearsal, but he stayed cool. It was a disagreement in how he wanted to learn the steps and her being major diva control freak. Thank goodness she and Maks didn't get married and have children! Those little kids would have no choice but to be dramatic little Russians living in the USA! It might be that way no matter who each of them marries but how volatile with the two of them! Karina said the challenge with their dance is that Ghostbusters is fun and the tango is polar opposite. J.R. "I ain't afraid of no tango" danced well but didn't have the footwork for the tango he should have. Len said he set the bar so high from his previous performances that this was not up to his standards. His scores from the judges was 25.
Nancy and Tristan's jive was fun and lively. Nancy was doing a less lively version, however. During rehearsal Nancy interrupted Tristan again and asked if in his Irish way he was saying she wasn't fun. He rather tersely said, "No, I'm trying to finish a sentence." Loved it! The judges said this was not her best dance and gave her a unanimous 21.
Rob and Cheryl did a good tango to The Addams Family theme song. His sister Kourtney and her toddler were in costume. Her baby daddy wasn't. I thought Coco Arquette might be, too, which would be cute, but she and Courtney Cox were in regular clothes. The judges said this was Rob's best dance. Bruno said his bum stuck out, but he has that Kardashian butt and can't help it. Cheryl said he has a bum, and Bruno said it's OK to have one but you have to know what to do with it. See what I mean about Bruno? Score - 25. Tied with J.R.!
Ricki and Derek were Snow White and the Big Bad Wolf. They are doing the paso doble. Ricki hurt her rib, and the doctor said it's an inflamed nerve, very serious, and requires rest. Instead, he bandaged it and from how she danced probably gave her a cortisone shot or more. This was a good paso! Her costume was heavily corseted, so maybe the adrenaline of performing carried her through it. The judges agreed and gave her all 9's for 27 points!
Hope and Maks danced a samba. Maks hurt his toe and brought in someone from the troupe to work with Hope while he choreographed and critiqued. Hope said she enjoyed working with Teddy and had more fun than with Maks. It shows. She was looser and seemed to enjoy the performance. Maks got frustrated and asked why he's the only one who can see several moves ahead and that he isn't always this way but can be fun. The judges could see the difference and enjoyed the dance. Score - 24.
Now for the team dances. J.R. and Ricki got to pick teams since they were leaders last week. J.R.'s team danced first and had the tango. David and Nancy were on his team. Nancy was the weakest link on the team. J.R. was the best. David got a 9 on his tango and helped J.R. with some of the holds and posture. He was good, too, and I just love the way Coco looks at him. So sweet! All three of the judges said their team part was good but that the individual dances were not. This team score is added to their other score and is 23, which helps some of them and not others.
Team Paso Doble had Ricki, Hope, and Rob. Their rehearsal went well except for Maks being a prick to Hope. It made the others uncomfortable. The expression on Rob's face when it was going on made me like him even more. He obviously didn't like it when Maks popped her on the shoulder and then sort of whipped her around. Maks stormed out in frustration, and Derek stepped right in and showed Hope what to do. I feel sorry for her with Maks and think he needs to take next season off unless he gets another partner who can handle how he is and dances well. He made a scene and made everyone uncomfortable. I'm losing interest in him. Hope danced better tonight possibly because she had a break from him with those other guys. I wish she'd had another partner, who could have helped her relax and learn without all that drama. I believe the paso team will have a high score. Well done!! Standing ovation! Praise from the judges! Score - 26.
Maks complained in an interview that he could do as well as Derek if he'd had the partners he had. Not true! Maks has had some talented, committed, excellent partners. Derek treats his with respect, dignity, and encouragement. Derek finds the potential of his partners and choreographs to their strengths. Maks bullies his. Some respond to that and many don't. I don't do well with that kind of treatment and would do better with Derek. So would Hope as she would with some of the others who would treat her better.
PS ... Apparently I forgot to click "publish" last night when I wrote this. I looked and it wasn't there. I was really tired and sleepy last night and didn't feel good. I didn't even watch House or Castle that were recorded but went to bed and slept about 10 hours.
Many Pictures
4 hours ago
We were commenting that any celebrity considering the show should refuse Maks as a partner. Hope should deck him. She could do it!!
Great review! I still think Hope should have gone before Chaz if for no other reason that Maks is a douche. She is less graceful than my horse and not quite as pretty. After last night, I’m really cheering for Rob Kardashian (who’d a thunk it) and Ricki Lake. I predict that this week the bottom two will be Nancy and Hope and that Hope will go home.
Well I would comment but we have talked this into the ground!
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