Sunday, February 7, 2010

Teabags, Anyone?

This isn't from her speech at the "Tea Party" but sums up how I felt trying to watch it. I couldn't get through the whole speech but saw parts of it including her notes on her hand. What I did hear was composed of lies, sarcasm, and drivel.


David Dust said...

Agreed. I used to get so angry by how stupid George W. Bush sounded when he spoke. But W sounds like Socrates or Aristotle compared to Moose Mess.


Dan said...

YOu know how I feel! The bitch needs slapped!

Beth said...

I'll be writing something up about this soon. I did watch the whole thing and it really kind of messed me up for a few hours. LOL

Sam said...

It just amazes me how one news channel can make her matter.
kinda scary if you ask me

Laynie in TN said...

Actually, that "hopey changey thing" is working quite well for me. Thanks to saving the auto industry, my husband and thousands of others got to keep their jobs, I paid MUCH LESS in taxes, and for the first time in eight years I don't feel a little bit uncomfortable when telling people from other countries that I'm an American. There doesn't seem to be as much innocent blood on my hands these days.

When Obama was running for Prez, he said he would end the lucrative tax cuts for companies who outsourced all of our manufacturing jobs. If he does nothing else than that, he will have done more for the average, real life American than any other prez.

(Have been lurking on your most enjoyable blog for a few weeks, and was finally compelled to leave two cents)

Joy said...

Glad to hear from you, Laynie! I'm glad you commented and said what you did. I'm happy I voted for Obama, too, and know it's going to take a lot of time to get us out of this mess. It would be helpful to have some cooperation and is embarrassing to see the Repubs sitting on their hands with their grumpy faces at the State of the Union.

I was so proud of the President at the Q&A with them!!

Joy said...

Beth, I don't know how you did that. I couldn't do it.