One of my former students disappeared from Facebook. Someone else who thinks he's hilarious and outrageous and fun asked me about him. Somehow she got in touch with him in YouTube (how do you even do that?), and he told her that FB deactivated his account with no explanation. What we wonder is since Fred is very liberal, an atheist, and outspoken, did others complain? If so, why don't they do what I do and click "Hide" beside his name or unfriend him. It's like they can't leave us alone but want our shows canceled.
He was also funny and spoke the truth a large percentage of the time. I don't understand why FB wouldn't warn him or give him reasons. He wasn't stalking kids, posting porn, or anything like that. Have you heard of this happening to anyone else? Some of you might have seen his posts - Fred Toler. I miss his presence on there.
Many Pictures
4 hours ago
This article may explain
Why won't you people listen?...
we have all kinds of kids at the job making up fake names and creating accounts. the current algorithm allows multiple accounts to log in from the same ip providing you dont use the same email address to 'seed' the account. ergo, you can make up a new account for each and every email account you sign up for....also, that part about having to use your real name is bull too, as long as it sounds like a 'real name' you can register it, and new changes to the policy allow you to alter your screen name to pretty much whatever you want, which is why we have little girls trolling on there as trutruebarbie smith.
Thanks, Froggy. That might be what happened. I've sent that link to others and posted it on FB, which I hope is OK.
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