Saturday, February 27, 2010
He Never Noticed?
Friday, February 26, 2010
Well, OK
Stephen Fry

In the late 1970s, the Coca-Cola Company boycotted the NBC late-night comedy show Saturday Night Live for several years. The giant soda company was retaliating against a frequent character of comedian John Belushi, a Greek restaurant owner who repeatedly said to customers, "No Coke - Pepsi," thus saying the rival company’s name dozens of times within each skit.

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Give Peace A Chance
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
What a deplorable thing to happen to the Netherlands speed skater all because his coach told him to get in the other lane! I hate for someone to be disqualified especially when it was his coach's fault. Bob Costas said his coach needed to go to something like the witness protection program. The whole country hates him, I'm sure!
Kudos to Apolo Anton Ohno! Way to go! Also to Shaun White, Lindsey Vonn, and Bode Miller! I'm in awe of every athlete in the Olympics. What dedication, sacrifice, hard work, and talent!
Poor Planning
Monday, February 22, 2010
Brithday Greetings
Sunday, February 21, 2010
American Pets
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Progress Report
I knew Dr. Oz scared me enough to last a couple of months and then hoped I could make enough progress to keep up the momentum. Seems that might happen. I haven't been tempted to stray from the diet and don't want shards of glass destroying my circulatory system. I've even been getting things accomplished in the house. Not easy since I can't quit the Olympics.

3 Beatles and Ringo
By A Nose
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Zoo Fatality
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Einstein Quote
Monday, February 15, 2010
Einstein Quote
Cosby Trivia
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentine's Dinner
Click to embiggen.
What's in a Name?
by Andy Borowitz | February 13, 2010 - 10:18am
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) - One week after their first national convention, the self-styled Teabaggers are facing an identity crisis after one of their members finally Googled the slang term "teabag."
"I was wondering why every time I told people I was a Teabagger they kind of started giggling in an embarrassed way," said Tracy Klugian, a Teabagger from Elyria, Ohio. "I was like, what the heck? Maybe I should use the Google and see what this is all about."
After Mr. Klugian Googled the word "teabag," he was shocked by what he discovered and shared his information with the Teabaggers' leadership, who are now actively looking for a new name for the group.
"We want a name that suggests we're out to give the Democrats a good fight," he said. "So far what we've come up with is the Donkey Punchers."
Andy Borowitz is a comedian and satirist. That might explain the last line and reference that I had to google to understand.
Oh, Guys!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Fear - A Powerful Motivator

I'm not a fan of using fear to get people to do what they're supposed to; however, there are times that it works. Take me for example. I've been really lax for way too long taking care of myself. As a result, my blood glucose levels were dangerously high over a week ago when I checked them after a couple of months of not. As if on cue, enter Dr. Oz. No matter what your opinion of him might be, in this case you need to be grateful to him (Brian) because he scared the hell out of me when I was already in a panic. His show was followed by Oprah's that had him and others on there discussing "Diabetes: The Silent Killer." What really got to me was when he said that high blood sugar is like shards of glass coursing through your arteries. Then he showed an animation of what it does. YIKES!!! PANIC! I started making deals with my body - begging it not to do anything outrageous and give me time to take care of it again.
I got my copy of Protein Power out, made a grocery list, and am following it. My internist told me to read that book and do what it said. I figured that this fear would last at least a month and by then I'd have made enough progress that I'd keep on with it. I don't want to have a heart attack and die. I don't even watch Oprah and Dr. Oz that often but needed to that day and am glad I did. Obviously, I hadn't been testing regularly and at all for too long. Back on that now.
Carbs are kept at or below 30 grams a day with at least 27 grams of protein at each meal. Back to being a science fair experiment. With diabetes you have to eat enough food, often enough, and in the right combination. My readings are in the normal range, but for several days when they were down even in the mid-100's, I had symptoms of low blood sugar during the day because it had been really high. Based on those first morning readings, I know it was higher than it's ever been since I've been testing. It's still too high in the mornings even though it's good during the day. It's been 130-139 the last several mornings which is too high. Any suggestions from any of you who deal with this?
My idea is that I need much more exercise. The treadmills, elliptical machines, and stationary bicycles at my gym have TV's mounted on them right at eye level with cable. I can watch the Olympics while I work out. When the Olympics are over, there are some good choices.
I'm feeling better but not there yet. That took quite a toll on me, and I've been feeling like crap for a long time. Now that I've followed this for a week and am still fearfully motivated, I thought I'd let you know. I haven't even been tempted to deviate. Tomorrow night is the Valentine's House Blend dinner. I'll be careful for sure. Not even tempted. But I will enjoy a delicious meal.
Let the Games Begin!
This morning was tragic when a luge athlete from the Republic of Georgia, Nodar Kumaritashvili, was killed in a crash during training. Twelve lugers have crashed on that course, which seems that it needs modifications. It is too dangerous. As one of the officials said, he is not as concerned for the top athletes as for the more inexperienced ones. They were going around 90 miles per hour. Source HERE. This definitely casts a pall over the competition and is a sad beginning.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snow Post and Buzz
Have any of you checked out Google Buzz? Looks interesting enough to consider. If it works on my Blackberry, I'm there. Apparently it coordinates gmail, pictures, Twitter, and other sites. Is it a replacement for Facebook? That sounds promising if it is.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Geek Trivia
Monday, February 8, 2010
This Is True
Read more about it HERE.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
House Blend
House Blend, my favorite coffee place, has a blog HERE. It's also on my blog list. They've had it since November, but I just realized it tonight when I was on their FB page to start my checking on the menu for Saturday evening. Once again, they're having a Valentine's meal. Our usual group is looking forward to getting together and to more of Holly's wonderful cooking.
Holly and Jeremy = celebrity name: Hollemy.

Super Bowl
Teabags, Anyone?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Temple Grandin Movie

About Time!

From Autism Watch:
The Lancet has retracted publication of a 1998 paper [1] whose authors—led by Dr. Andrew Wakefield—suggested that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine might be linked to autism. The paper didn't declare that cause-and-effect had been demonstrated, but at the press conference announcing its publication, Wakefield attacked the triple vaccine; and he has continued to do so ever since.The full retraction came five days after The British General Medical Council (GMC), which registers doctors in the United Kingdom, reported that Wakefield had acted dishonestly, irresponsibly, unethically, and callously in connection with the research project and its subsequent publication [2]. Wakefield's misconduct was brought to light by Brian Deer, one of the world's toughest investigative reporters.
In 2004, ten of the study's authors issued a "retraction" which stated: "We wish to make it clear that in this paper no causal link was established between MMR vaccine and autism as the data were insufficient." [3] Lancet editor Richard Horton—after Deer provided the incriminating evidence—said he should not have published the study and that Wakefield's links to litigation against the manufacturers of the MMR vaccine were a "fatal conflict of interest." [4] But full retraction had to wait nearly six more years.
The GMC hearings, which began in July 2007, centered on Wakefield's 1998 report. Many studies have found no connections [5,6], but sensational publicity caused immunization rates in the UK to drop more than 10 percent and have left lingering doubts among parents worldwide.
The GMC began investigating after learning from Deer that Wakefield had failed to declare he had been paid £55,000 to advise lawyers representing parents who believed that the vaccine had harmed their children. The GMC found that Wakefield had:
- Improperly obtained blood for research purposes from normal children attending his son's birthday party, paid them £5 for their discomfort, and later joked during a lecture about having done this.
- Subjected autistic children to colonoscopy, lumbar punctures, and other tests without approval from a research review board.
- Failed to disclose that he had filed a patent for a vaccine to compete with the MMR
- Starting a child on an experimental product called Transfer Factor, which he planned to market.
The GMC panel concluded that the allegations against Wakefield could amount to "serious professional misconduct." During the investigation, Wakefield relocated to Austin, Texas, where he helped found Thoughtful House Center for Children, a "nonprofit" clinic that offers many unsubstantiated treatments for autism. He does not have a medical license but oversees the clinic's research program. The clinic's latest (2008) tax filing lists his salary as $270,000 [7].
One more time, just so nobody misses the point here—Andrew Wakefield lied to you. He lied, and because of his lies, children are dead [8].
Did Not Know About Franz
Friday, February 5, 2010
Useful Trivia for Some of Us, Right?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Getting Back to Abby-Normal
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
FB Gestapo
He was also funny and spoke the truth a large percentage of the time. I don't understand why FB wouldn't warn him or give him reasons. He wasn't stalking kids, posting porn, or anything like that. Have you heard of this happening to anyone else? Some of you might have seen his posts - Fred Toler. I miss his presence on there.
More Size Trivia (Not That Kind - Sorry)
No Tea

The TNDP invites you to a FUN event in Nashville this Thursday to celebrate our hope for Tennessee's future.
Unlike another event that night which costs $549, THIS PARTY IS FREE ! (Cash bar)
PLEASE JOIN US, and our Fired-up Speakers, for anything BUT tea with Like-Minded Progressives
Nashville Tea Party convention falling apart | |
Two of the convention's scheduled speakers, Republican Congresswomen Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, have bailed out of the Feb. 4-6 event. Both claimed the House Ethics Committee advised them against attending the convention, organized by the for-profit entity Tea Party Nation.