So much for hot sex. A recent study purports there are fewer births nine months after a heat wave. It found that an increase of about 21.600 Fahrenheit in summer temperatures reduces births the following spring by up to 6 percent. Researchers at the Kinsey Institute for Sex Research concluded that high temperatures could reduce people’s sense of well-being, which could result in a reduction in sexual interest. Another study found lower sperm counts and higher rates of miscarriage during hot weather.
My mother always told me there's a reason why we see lots of folks born in September or around then. Just count back nine months.
Yep! My daughter was born the last of August and my son the last of September! LOL
And I was born October 3.
See? My mother said it was all about newlyweds not necessarily having a lot of money but needing to keep warm. Haha
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