My daughter and her kids and my son, his wife, and their son came down yesterday for fun and games. We went to eat at the Mexican restaurant where I used to play trivia. Yes, I do plan to go back and play again. Then we came back to my house and played "Apples to Apples" and "Family Feud." Lots of laughter and loudness! Since our reunion, I've gone to my daughter's the day after Christmas for the last ten years. However, this year they came here. I'm not ready to drive a few hours during holiday traffic yet. It really does take a long time to recover from this surgery!
Another reason, I haven't had them here was the condition of my house, which looked like a hoarder lived in it. I really did feel much worse than I realized. After my helpers cleared out numerous trash bags filled with clothes, papers and stuff that filled my brother's truck several times to take to recycling, Goodwill, and/or the dump, my house was ready for company. I couldn't have healed after I got home from the hospital if it had been the way it was. Such a relief! That's why I'm not a hoarder because I wanted the clutter gone and am thrilled to have space again!
So they were all here together for the first time. It was great! From the left, across the table and back up to the front: My son Brian, older granddaughter Kelsey, daughter-in-law Melissa, daughter Kathy, older grandson Luke, younger granddaughter Kari, youngest grandson Brendan. This is at the restaurant.
Architecture Wednesday: Diamond House Hawaii
57 minutes ago