Tug, Bill, and I met at the Log Cabin for a late lunch. It's in Hurricane Mills where Loretta Lynn's ranch and museum are. I've never been to them but guess I should go sometime. Funny how we don't go to places nearby. I've never been to the Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's house) either. I have been to the Grand Ole Opry a few times, though. Anyway, I'd heard about the Log Cabin from a friend and suggested we meet there instead of somewhere around here. It's about 35 miles from where I live and a pretty drive, which was worth it for the company if nothing else; however, the food was country cooking from scratch and really good.
There's my car back there behind Tug's truck.
We laughed and talked and had a great time! This is the third time Tug/Sam and I have gotten together when he passed through but the first time I'd met Bill in person. I felt like I knew him already. Btw, Max is HUGE for four months old and so well-behaved and sweet, especially for a puppy. She's adorable.
Tonight my friends Paige and her daughter Virginia met at Las Fajitas for dinner and a trivia game. We came in third and would have won if we'd bet some points on that last question. Paige knew who the Secretary General of the UN is. Virginia and I had no clue. We discussed it, and Paige wasn't sure enough to bet the whole 20 points on it, so we didn't bet any points. Only one other team and Paige got it right. We'll go with Paige's answers next time. She did this on a couple of others, too. Anyway, we are happy with our 3rd place win and got a gift certificate for the restaurant.
What a fun, social day and evening I've had!
3 hours ago
Joy. We had the best time too. I've passed and slept by that restaurant a million times and never ate there.
Can't wait for you to come to Vegas!!!
Bill has done nothing but rave about you also.
Hugs xoxox
that is soooooooo cool y'all got to meet up and enjoy some fellowship! awesome sauce on the trivia!
What a pair of handsome guys!!
And Maxine - dear lord, but she may give Tar a run for his money in the big puppy category!
Yes, Max is right there with Tar as big puppies!
I wished for you, MMA, during trivia! You'd have put us over the top.
Hope to touch base with all my blog buddies eventually. If any of you go through TN on I-40, let me know. Maybe I'll be in your area when you least expect it! :-)
I am so jealous that Tug visits you! I am going to Vegas with my brother for 4th of July- maybe he will be in town then and I can manage to hook up with him this time! I'm dying to meet Bill, also. Look at the size of that puppies paws- she is going to grow up to be HUGE!!
What are you doing for the 4th? Come to Vegas! It's cheap in the summer!
Awesome that you met up again. That puppy is the cutest.
Next time Tug, Bill and the "Baby" visit you - ask if they will swing up to NYC and pick me up first.
That sounds like a fun day! I can't wait to join you guys for trivia sometime soon.
Oh Joy how fun! Talk about a three people who look like a roit!!! I don't know if I could handle both of you at the same time!
Next Tuesday night, Hope!! Be there! We need you.
Oh, Maddie, there's nothing you can't handle! xoxoxoxox
Yes, David, we need to work on that for sure. xoxoxoxox Miss you!!!
Hey Joy,
Is it just me or does Tug look a lot like my cousin Todd?
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