Check out the examples of the Tea Partiers as they protest. As a retired English teacher, I'm not that surprised by the lack of spelling and grammar skills apparent on those signs. I tried to teach students who remind me of way too many of the Tee Pees. They resemble the Boston Massacre (of the English language) more than the Boston Tea Party or even one hosted by the Mad Hatter. More HERE.
3 hours ago
Some journalists have gone to tea parties and reported that most attendees appeared very poor and uneducated. Is it painting with too broad a brush to say that most of them drive home after a full day of protest on federally funded roads, to check the mailbox for their social security and disability checks, and medicines mailed by Medicare, etc. I'm not being snarky when I say I worry about the way they keep biting the very hand that keeps them functioning in the free world. Eh, blame it on Beck.
With all that said, I must admit I had to look at the sign on the back of the SUV several times to see what was wrong with it, lol.
And Sean Hannity praised the TP's as Tim McVeigh wannabees.
LOL I know what you mean. If I hadn't done it for a living so long, I'd miss mistakes. I think we mentally correct them when we read sometimes.
It's funny and sad at the same time
I have to play Devil's advocate, Laynie, how did they get out of their American taxpayer funded education without the ability to spell or self-edit?
(Making note that spelling ability is not tied to intelligence. Which doesn't excuse the messages...)
lost my reply froggy - will try again.
Maybe they dropped out? Maybe it's familial? Maybe they made it through HS just fine 30 years ago, but never bothered to pick up another Sharpie until Beck told them a Muslim was going to take away their guns and send death panels to kill grandma? I don't know, but it's a good question!
(I know a PhD, JD who can't spell worth a darn...he says that's what secretaries are for).
Same people who say that edjacashun has failed our children. we should fired the teechas who can't teech.
No, spelling isn't necessarily linked to intelligence. The inability to spell can be an auditory discrimination problem or other disability. It can also be lack of education, ignorance of the rules, and not proofreading. If people are going to make signs that can be photographed, they need to get someone to check them. It really makes them look bad.
The other teacher of gifted and our assistant couldn't spell. They were always asking me how to spell something for them. Both are intelligent women. One of them has a master's degree. Spelling is a talent.
One of the theories of dyslexia is that it is an inability to hear sounds in words. I notice that with my dyslexics - they will substitute different short vowel sounds in some words.
I agree that these people should have gotten their signs proofread if they were going to be photographed and proud to be there. I am not saying they are ignorant, but they do appear to be careless, and are those the types we want running our country?
I love the sign blogs that are popping up everywhere and subscribe to a couple. Who knew that signs could be so funny?
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