I changed the settings for comments because I've been getting more anonymous comments recently. I set it for "registered users" instead of "Google accounts only." If this causes any of you problems with commenting, please let me know. My email address is on here somewhere, and I'm on Facebook and Twitter. If some of you want to register on Google, it's no big deal. You're probably already in that or some other place in that Open ID part. I might just do comment moderation like many of you have. We'll see.
I like having comment moderation so I don't miss anyone's comment.
I have it set up so I get emails when folks comment, but I don't mind the Anon's.
I get emails when anyone comments, too. I've been getting those spam anonymous ones quite a bit. Hate to be faked off like that!
I am a control freak - that's why I moderate my comments. It's wonderful...
I had to do that too
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