Well, are you ready for this? Tug actually met me for lunch! He came through town and finally agreed to meet me in person. It wasn't even too painful for him! It was meeting an old friend for me and so much fun! Tina met us, too, and we all had a great time!
We met him at Cracker Barrel. I suggested it without knowing that they don't allow trucks anywhere near it! Bless his heart, Tug parked across the highway and walked to the restaurant!! What a guy! Check this out. See that red and white truck way back there in the back? This is how far away it was across the parking lot, a side street, and Highway 46. Notice that the rain washed all of our snow away? It's gone!

Now see that figure walking? Yes, the one with a white shirt and dark pants on? That's our Tug! You might be able to see this better if you click.

So here we are getting ready to eat. Btw, it takes Tug a long time to get ready. He called so we could work out when and where to meet. He said he was going to get ready and would call when he was on his way. Two hours later he called. Remember from his blog when he said he likes to luxuriate in the shower and take his time getting ready? He was right! He was well-groomed and smelled good, though.

And here we are leaving. Btw, can you tell I'm 5'2" and Tug is 6'4"? He is the sweetest person! Don't we just love him!

Then for a tour of the truck! It's easier to get into and out of than a friend's Jeep. Even for short people with very short legs! Tug showed me how to get in and out. No problem! This is his training session.

Our ADD kicked in, and we forgot that he wanted to take a picture of me in the driver's seat. It has so much room in it! There's room to stand up and walk around. He has a refrigerator, TV, cabinets, two bunks, storage, and so much room. I'm looking forward to our Tug and Bernice Tour!

You gotta watch out for those geriatric hookers at the truck stops! What's going on with my tooth?