Friday, October 14, 2011

Lost Week

I have my annual allergy/sinusitis/bronchitis bout and have been out of it all week.  I slept all yesterday afternoon, evening, most of the night, and this morning with some awake breaks.  I even missed our weekly trivia game at a local Mexican restaurant this week and won't make it to the Southern Festival of Books this weekend.  Whine, whine!!  I did go to my doctor for a z-pak which helps.  Fall is my favorite season, but it doesn't love me in return with its ragweed.  Enough complaining.  I'll write about trivia when I'm awake again. 


David Dust said...

Feel better, Auntie Flame!!


the dogs' mother said...

Yes, feel great soon! The Engineer and Daughter are sick here.

Bob said...

Feel better soon, Joy!!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

I had my 2-week long sore throat last week... my pulmonologist defined our current weather as "the perfect storm" for allergy attacks! Feel better soon! Use your neti pot!