To the Struggle Against World Terrorism (also known as the Tear of Grief and the Tear Drop Memorial) is a 10-story-high sculpture by Zurab Tsereteli that was given to the United States as an official gift of the Russian government as a memorial to the victims of the September 11 attacks and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. It stands on The Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor in New Jersey and was dedicated on September 11, 2006 in a ceremony attended by former U.S. President Bill Clinton.
The sculpture is in the form of a 100-foot (30 m) tower made of steel and coated in bronze, split with a jagged opening through the middle. Inside the opening hangs a large stainless-steel teardrop, 40 feet (12 m) high, in memory of those whose lives were lost during terrorist attacks in the United States. The eleven sides of the monument's base bear granite name plates, on which are etched the names of those that died in the September 11 attacks and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Tear of Grief, whose correct name is To The Struggle Against World Terrorism, is a 10-story high sculpture by Zurab Tsereteli that was given as an official gift of the Russian government and placed on The Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor as a memorial to those that died in the September 11th terrorist attacks.
The sculpture is in the form of a 10-story high tower of bronze split with a jagged opening through the middle. Inside the opening hangs a large polished titanium teardrop about three stories high to represent the tears in Moscow shed for the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The teardrop will contain a special cooling device to produce a constant flowing of water. This causes the sculpture to appear to weep.
Everything Is Fine
6 hours ago
Never heard of it! Thanks.
I'd not heard of this either, until now. Interesting.
Never seen or heard of it, but it's very pretty.
Glad you posted this and I'm still amazed that so far, no one is aware of it. The sculpture is amazing and the gesture beautiful. Why would our media not cover this lovely and generous gesture from Russia? I cannot help but wonder if little Bush or Daddy Bush had anything to do with keeping it out of the news???? Great if President Clinton did attend the dedication.
The memorial was well covered by the BBC both in the US and the UK. I suspect the US media did not report it as it is 'good news'!
Aled, I tend to agree with you. There is no reason why the Bush administration would keep something so beautiful and so indicative of larger world support for combating terror out of the press. The liberal press, however, would do anything it could to keep anything that would appear to support the war from being reported.
The sculpture and the gesture are beautiful indeed. Thank you, Joy, for bringing to our attention...
Thanks Debi. It also has to be said, Jazzy, that if President Clinton had been on the ball, bin Laden would have been rotting in jail long before the atrocity of 9/11.
I have never heard of this either, but it is very unique looking isn't it. I love shiny things!
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